Davee Blows, who was here briefly in August during Allan's black metal art show, is coming back for a real guest spot.
He'll be doing fun stuff, in the style you see in the pictures below, and he'll be here from the 24th till the 28th of October.
For booking, contact me (conspiracyinctattoo@gmail.com) and i'll sort out the details with you!
Så er der gæste nyt!
Davee Blows komme forbi shoppen fra den 24. til den 28. Oktober og du skulle da tage og blive tatoveret af ham.
Du kan email butikken (conspiracyinctattoo@gmail.com) for at høre nærmere og booke tider.
Husk, kun sjove ting i den stil du ser på billederne her!
I seriously have a lot of news, like big news that some of you may have already heard through that infamous grapevine, but they deserve their own post, and for practical reasons, i can't write that post until Saturday.
How annoyingly cryptic, i know, but soon!
Until then, why not book an appointment with Davee to kill the time?
Yes, that is a fine plan indeed!
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