8 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

A moose and his centaur friend

Here's a couple of sweet pieces Sarah did at the shop this week.
She did one on Saturday too, that i didn't get any pictures of, and one on me on Monday, that you can see if you click here.
It was a pleasure having her at the shop, as usual, and we hope it won't be her last guest spot of 2012 (don't worry, it totally won't)!

Fancy gentlemen... they're probably Lords or something...

If you're one of those people who check the travel and guests section regularly, you may have noticed that i've added some new Adam Hays dates to the March calendar, so if you don't wanna miss out, go send him an email right now.

Ps. Our other German bff, Chriss Dettmer, just stared a blog, and i think you should all go follow it.
No, seriously, he did, go see for yourselves!

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